Thank you - this GREAT pleasure is mine There are two interviews with Hasse Froberg (from The Flower Kings band, now he has his own one, HFMC band): the first (more big one) is on DPRP site:
"Working Man's Prog": Interviews with Hasse Froberg by Dave Baird and Olga Potekhina"
(the title and the beginning of the text is mine and then - after Dave Baird's great analytic questions my part of them)
And the second one (absolutely different) interview is on Progressor's site.
So if you can read for a long time - it's great (I think the more we know about this beautiful music - the more it pleasant for us ;))) !
(I have to admit that it was "writing" interviews, not "live" (like it was with Steve Hackett, John Wetton).
Added (01.12.2011, 14:13)
NEW , not mine (he-he, I made one maybe year ago - here it is ) but really GREAT interview with HOT news from Roine Stolt !!! I hope I am not the only one who think that The Flower Kings is the most "true" and beautiful his project ? ;-) READ THIS !
" TH: Can you give us any current and possible future status about The Flower Kings at the moment?
ROINE: I cannot give you the full story, it's under wraps, but it looks likely that we will return with a new album when our schedules are right . " WOW !!! And MORE great plans there...
(I don't expect so much... but I prefer TFK instead of AOM ... and Hasse's or (ah!!!!) ROINE's singing instead of Nad's )